Democratizing Science: Participatory Air Monitoring

group photo of BELLA team

Oil Wells and People of Color in LA County

Air pollution in Southern California does not impact all communities equally; communities of color are disproportionately burdened by poor air quality and more likely to live near industrial facilities and freeways. Government regulatory monitors do not have the spatial resolution to provide air quality information at the neighborhood or personal scale. In partnership with community organizations, we collaborate to expand capacity to understand pollution in our environment and health impacts.  This work combines air monitoring, participatory science, and digital storytelling to build capacity to address local air quality issues.

Day in the Life is a community-based participatory air monitoring program bringing visibility to the stories of youth of color living and organizing in environmental justice communities in Los Angeles.

StoryMap that shows air monitoring & storytelling program combining low cost sensor use with photos and videos.

Participating Air Monitoring Resources

aircasting map

Air Beam Manual

purple air map

PM 2.5 Levels